After a robust career as an actress, Boland has most recently focused on creating for herself. Her feature film directorial debut, We’re All In This Together, in which she plays twins, has had a large festival run and was released across Canada and in America in 2022.
Her resume includes Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, CW’s Reign, Bruce La Bruce’s Gerontophilia, and the Apple + Show from Academy Award-winning John Ridley, Five Days at Memorial alongside Vera Farmiga and Cherry Jones.
select reviews
“Boland soars.” - in We’re All In This Together.”
“Boland was so convincing that I had to keep reminding myself that these were not two different actors sharing the screen. Boland has shown in We’re All in This Together that she can spin several plates at once, and the film is certainly evidence of bright things ahead for its creator.” - in “We’re All In This Together”
“Boland portrays the title character with commendable subtlety, fleshing out the confusion of the young woman compellingly. It’s a complicated duality to inhabit, exposing the character’s vulnerable side without taking away her confidence. Boland wows.” - in “Lolz-Ita”
“Boland totally aces her role as the endearing hipster girlfriend who’s forever quoting her cultural idols, that girl (Boland) is positively hypnotic every moment she spends on screen,” in “Gerontophilia”
“Of the strong cast, Boland stands out. Her quietly simmering performance builds to one of the story’s most memorable and impressionable sequences,” in “Cardinals”
“In a remarkable performance, Boland is sympathetic but also allows herself to be self-destructive, impulsive and flawed.” - in “Looking Is The Original Sin”
“ Boland does a great job in front of and behind the camera, particularly in her dual role as the twins. I spent a good portion of the film thinking the second actor looked an awful lot like Boland, before realizing it was in fact her in different hair and makeup.”
“ The film also boasts strong acting, especially by Boland who plays both Finn and Nicki. Boland filmed herself playing both twin sisters, sometimes using another performer as an onscreen double—though some viewers may not even notice that Boland plays both roles, as Finn and Nicki feel distinct from one another as characters. “We’re All In This Together” signals a promising future for star and filmmaker Boland.” - in ‘“We’re All In This Together”
“(Boland) delivers a strong, complicated character who stands out amidst a compelling crew.” - for “People Hold On”
“Absolutely amazing,” in “Cardinals”
“vivacious… a breath of fresh air when she is on screen, offering a quirky sense of fun and left field humour,” in “Gerontophilia”
“devastating…(Boland) is everything (she) should be,” - in “The Fall”
“Vera Farmiga stands out...helped enormously by great work from Katie Boland…”
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